Eric Tan

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Joined Feb 2021


what's the point of paying dividend if they are going private soon. ?
6 days · translate
Already happened, ex-date 12 june
5 months · translate
usually share will go down after ex-date for dividend but this one managed to sustain, improve some more. Good free money ?
5 months · translate
highest 3.58. u smoke something?
6 months · translate
If the price goes down after the ex date, 6.6% will be quite good for long term investor, as cscsteel books look good based on the AR. Nothing fancy, but still attractive.
7 months · translate
If anyone buys 10 lots (RM1,430) now, the dividend will be RM94, about 6.6% return. Not bad at all.
7 months · translate
the issue is more on the steel price globally, which is the biggest sentiment for this kind of stock.
1 year · translate
bumi CAN buy non shariah comp, its a free market/country. same goes to kwsp, the government can't enforce all muslim to change to shariah compliant one, they need to do it themselves/voluntarily.
1 year · translate
shariah or non shariah, everyone can still buy it. its a free market.
1 year · translate
Airport stock is always non-shariah since many many years ago. do your homework. they sell liquors as duty free etc.
1 year · translate
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