Leong hee koon

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Joined Mar 2021


this is a public listed company and not a sdn bhd! if you (ceo, coo, management, board of directors) get out and resign. enough of you guys being so useless for the last few years. no performance and share holders updates all these while. you are lucky having online AGM. otherwise, many shareholders will give you their piece of mind!!! resign and get out!!!!
1 day · translate
hello.. what happening to the sales of your vessel and the proposal submission to exit pn17.. macam the ceo not doing anything and not care at all. if just makam gaji buta, please resign and have someone more capable and aggressive to lead the company !!!
1 day · translate
pls be specific, great company or the ultimate worst board of directors, ceo and management ever!!!!
4 days · translate
what do they mean actively getting out of pn17! my foot! so many years, yet cannot submit a proposal to exit! don't talk rubbish! such useless bunch of management and ceo!!!
3 weeks · translate
useless useless dnex management. very rare you invested in a counter that non stop going down !!!!! definitely a super stupid bunch of management idiots!!! resign lah !!!!
3 weeks · translate
why don't all board of directors and ceo all resign! pathetic on the business performance and stock value of this company! totally useless!
4 weeks · translate
spike or not, aizo is now proven to drain shareholders' money !!!
1 month · translate
everything want majority share and not willing to loose control; but no ability to manage and grow the company.. let China has the majority share lah.. at least the company will be much much better off on the chip manufacturing side!
1 month · translate
by the time they submit proposal, all the 79m cash will be used up!!! back to square one!
2 months · translate
when are they submitting the pn17 exit plan proposal! this company just buying time with shareholders money! no sense of urgency and protecting share holders interest.. looks like they are selling everything and pocket everything before delisting outcome !
2 months · translate
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