tan vincent

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Joined Mar 2021


Win Chin Pang , aax and captainA getting better and better, bursa either extend or remove pn17 . wont any other actions . belive it.
1 year · translate
Jedd tee , it is no longer about the debts , debts can clear only mtter of time , by giving it 1-3 years , it is about bigger picture , whole country and economy system. and how huge it can affected . wither removed , or bursa will keep extend until it removed , aax and this capital a counter is super special , top 10 business model in bursa and malaysia .
1 year · translate
Pang , EPF , banker , and many foreigner institution have basic principle , cannot touch those Pn17 counter, that is why after PN17 removed , guarantee up up and up
1 year · translate
buy before foreign fund buy , epf buy , banker buy , now becuase pn17 , once removed , price will ?
1 year · translate
tell me a reason why bursa dont approve it ? and tell me reason why bursa must approve it? you will know answer
1 year · translate
上个星期5 收大青 , 都知道有财团慢慢收了 。 等 0.6 , 0.7 . 0.8 然后0.9 你才心动吧 。而且已经break 了 0.5 以上。
1 year · translate
0.42 我说我进场 不要跟 , 现在做酸民 , 很可怜的咧 。
1 year · translate
0.75-0.9 fifo , until june 30
1 year · translate
titan2020 当没人看得起的时候 进 , 不是被人看得起的时候进。 bitcoin below usd1的时候 , 你看得起它 ?
1 year · translate
aax 应该5 没问题 。 等罢了
1 year · translate
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