Lalabubu Lim

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Joined Jun 2021


only if location is good. the bad ones 3 years + still not uet get rentals. good luck fortune cat. keep on buying everyday ...
3 years · translate
wound havn't heal landlord poke the wound again.
3 years · translate
luka belum sembuh landlord cucuk luka lagi. semua mati nanti.
3 years · translate
suggest landloard delay increase rentals when economy open back can ?? so retails can relax abit.
3 years · translate
here's a senario
retail suffer gov suggest borrow loan
to survive. next retail increase price consumers not happy spend less. in the end what do you think ?? big drama coming soon.
3 years · translate
in the end healthcare still the champion.
3 years · translate
now gov going to attack bank edi.
3 years · translate
below 4.20 coming soon.
3 years · translate
Abe T you say good you open retail buiness there n see lor... 2 place sell 2 same things pay 2 times gaji and rentals. later go social media crying for help and surport everyday.
3 years · translate
ytl not popular. many uncle n aunty trap there many years edi.
3 years · translate
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