Kingmin Ho

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Joined Jun 2021


The SC is a toothless kitten. No will and effort to clean up the shit that goes on in the KLSE. How many crooked directors have been prosecuted for wilful wrong doings???? corruption, deceit, fraud, misrepresentation has permeated through all segment of our society and people who are entrusted to administered the laws are themselves tempted by greed. It has become a norm to cheat and prosper but surely these people will meet their final judgement.!!!
9 months · translate
The SC is a toothless watch dog. How is it that to date no investigation or action taken against these group of directors who manipulated and compromised the shares of this and several related companies and got away scot free... these people should be banned from holding offices in any PLC
10 months · translate
Don't ever buy warrants per se. Buy the mother share cum warrant if you want. Never buy warrant alone. its just a con.. Historically how many warrants achieve a value higher than its conversion price. This is a big con as far as our KLSE is concern..
11 months · translate
all rights cum warrants is a con game on the KLSE.
1 year · translate
the management should apply to revise the conversion value seeing that the premium for conversion is more than double its mother share... all warrant holders will just get ?
1 year · translate
what a freaking stock!.. From a high of 6.00 and kept sliding down to 0.07.!!!
1 year · translate
what just happened? had Sanusi been charged or what
1 year · translate
money launderers love this type of counters.. senang cuci bersih.
1 year · translate
this company is run by scammers... won't be surprise if the price drop too pre- consolidation price.
1 year · translate
sure is "BS" Bull Shit.... like alot of the other stocks
1 year · translate
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