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haha he got his point actually, biggest shareholder in capital a right now is kamaruddin and tony, if they sold their big pay and aviation, they might have a little bit extra cash to give dividends
lol just let him yap la.....his favourite past time is to post the needs to change leadership everyday without giving reasons or whatsoever...just reply to quality post to have intellectual discussion...guys like him or chaw boon kee, can just ignore..they do have their freedom to post whatever they like afterall.
not sure how you come to 1billion figure, q3 perfomance hinge more on operational profit rather than forex exchange, granted that everything was calculated using usd ,and stronger myr might decrease the cost, but you have to consider few things,
1.capital a has activated more fleet thus more cost
2.q3 typically is not a good q for aviation business
3. aa indonesia has suffered loss.
while there is a chance that cap a q3 might be green but saying that it is guaranteed is very very far from the truth.