nazr zach013

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Thames Water operations are on the brink of collapse, endangering supplies to 16 million customers, an investigation by the newspaper has claimed.
Britain’s biggest water provider has £23 billion ($29 billion) of assets in urgent need of repair, The Guardian has reported, claiming that the supply of water to London and other parts of the UK is on a “knife-edge.” 
4 months · translate
There's water utilities issue in UK. "The price review 2024 (PR24) draft determinations (DD) released by the UK water services regulator, Ofwat, has a mixed effect on water player Wessex Water, which is owned by YTL Power International Bhd. DD outcomes are subject to further negotiations with Ofwat until the final determination (FD) date which is set for Dec 19, 2024... might affect the FD, profitability of Wessex Water and dividends moving forward,”
4 months · translate
5199 appears underperforming last quarter at a glance. What prevented 5199 performing as usual are caused by 1 schedule maintenance or shutdown 2 turnaround which they do every 2 year on Anasuria FPSO 3 Compressor failure which already fixed last October 4 lower drilling activities waiting for drilling rig due to Bad weather
Thus, 5199 revenue dropped but 5199 uses USD as their trading currency while OPEX in Mlaysia uses MYR.
These guys pro, 'kay? NOT like BP's Deep Horizon incident..
4 months · translate
Even if ALAM running tight on cash, there are other bank facilities that can help companies like ALAM continuing running e.g. facilities like BG, BA and etc.. I hate speculators.. I am not accountant or CPA, I only have Form 3 Perdagangan cert.. pls see my previous comments for your future reference
1 year · translate
Abubakar need to understand why impairment or cost accrue or accrual were made.. Majority organization cost accrue on the high side as not all costs came in at the time of closing accounts.. When thet cost accrue too much, they reverse that amount on their next quarter..
1 year · translate
Palau laaa..
1 year · translate
MILPITAS, Calif. — July 25, 2023 — Worldwide silicon wafer shipments increased 2.0% quarter-over-quarter to 3,331 million square inches in the second quarter of 2023, down 10.1% from the 3,704 million square inches recorded during the same quarter last year, the SEMI Silicon Manufacturers Group (SMG) reported in its quarterly analysis of the silicon wafer industry. SilTerra Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“SilTerra”) is a global pure-play 200mm semiconductor foundry, specializing in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (“CMOS”) production technologies for advanced logic, BCD, mixed-signal, radio frequency, and high voltage applications. The company has expanded into more advanced technology fields, such as Silicon Photonics, Bio-photonics, Micro-electromechanical Systems (“MEMS”) on CMOS, and Gallium Nitride (“GaN”) also known as “Emerging Technologies”.
1 year · translate
Starlink's broadband internet access relies on multiple LEO satellites communicating directly to provide service — something that could be disrupted by new 5G transmissions. SpaceX Says 5G Interference Could Make Starlink Internet 'Unusable'. I think Elon Musk is in deep trouble now. His SpaceX have problems with their rocket engines render their Cargo Starship unable to go beyond earth low orbit. Green hydrogen and carbon neutral vehicles are now getting much more attention than Tesla's cars. And now we have Starlink. Elon can sell more of them in remote areas with less dense populated areas. Have you been to Palau? Elon sells many of his Starlink there.
1 year · translate
Starlink telecomm usage is limited. See my comment.
1 year · translate
[News Release] North Sabah team are hard at work to bring the SF30 (South Furios) Waterflood Phase 2 project to fruition and involves the drilling of 6 water injection wells and 5 oil production wells. An integrated wellhead platform will be newly fabricated for these new wells.
1 year · translate
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