Ong Fook Chip

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Joined Aug 2022


Everybody may i have your attention
Cool down.Cool down
I believed he is one of the victim buy ds for many years and has no good return. In the case of other stock which has not making profit yet their price are double up.
somehow out of frastration i also think this is a holand stock
9 months · translate
Let me tell you all about their game
Actually, i wish if they can announce the company are making lost for how many qr,then the share price will have chance to go up...Small invester are happy
But major share holder are not happy,because once making lost they cannot get the dividend from few hundred thousand to million.
in conclusion: Finally only the major share holder are happy
9 months · translate
no need to wait every qr will declared Rm 5 to Rm 7,only the major shareholder are benefit,they can get RM few hundred thousand to million of dividend
About us,they dun care,later will annouce all the positive news and their current order on hand
every qr the same for the past 5 year
9 months · translate
very funny announment want to ride a big wave ?
With such a strong background also cannot get the NIISE project and want to ride wave... i think the ride will be directly to holand
9 months · translate
i wish it will fly fly and fly,for so many years,when it started moving many people was coming ,or will start to fly
eventually it never fly and the price was more than 0.50,
after people comment it will fly, lastly it drop to 0.42
so sad
9 months · translate
i understood what you mean...This stock has been reinforce concrete with all the steel bars,it will not move at all for 5 to 10 years,even earthquake it will not move
11 months · translate
worse still..... the HTpadu 3years finacial status are making lost yet their price are double of dataxxxxx
11 months · translate
1 year · translate
wa ....在你的眼里他的图有丑跟美。。。不过在我眼里,他真真的图都是丑到不能丑
1 year · translate
1 year · translate
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