Ong Fook Chip

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Joined Feb 2023


someone wanted to buy,of course they want it cheap price.but they do not have enough share,so he requested third party to keep on selling and make the price low.i will buy all the cheap price stock and sell it later higher price.the profit will share together with third party
3 weeks · translate
Anyway, today is the last day to see this name datasonic and I hope from tomorrow the new name will bring us good luck
based on this company past performances,it is a good company.
but major shareholders wanted to do something which small investor do not know what they want..if the price keep going down,I advise them to shut down the company. let's die together
3 weeks · translate
so what is the meaning of dividend?
The meaning for this company to declare dividend for you to lose money and pay back to them again
1 month · translate
five years ago share price was Rm 1
after declared bonus became Rm 0.5
now declared warrant became Rm 0.3
whole world only this company after declared so call dividend or bonus at the end you lost money
1 month · translate
this company is really best for cheating Small investor to throw money to fed their shareholders and director
1 month · translate
nothing will happen tomorrow, what they do is for the benefits for the major shareholders
1 month · translate
Yes they will tutup soon
after few years declared bonus again and price become 0.15
1 month · translate
of course can reach,but it is going to be many years
previous declared 1 to 1 bonus from 1.05 to 0.53 did you see it climb back to Rm 1....
1 month · translate
hahaha , sorry no offense
this target price I have been seeing people posting for the past 5 years
1 month · translate
one year!!! Do you know I have been waiting for five years, after this stock declared 1 to 1 bonus from Rm 1 to 0.5 and the stock seem like sleeping
1 month · translate
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