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Optimax venturing into aesthetic operation are just in line with Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council vision, since MHTC gonna promote & market hard on health & medical tourism
valuefarm wa bro don't like this la .... spread false rumours but secretly buy in under table .... if someone from company read your comment be prepare to receive summon letter for defamation
@Yoon don't listen to him ..... he trying to create panic and spreading false rumours. a word of advise to vf .... better think twice before simply comment . you are account for what u tell . I hope u will get defamation letter from simply accuse something not proven
De Zhi, I apologize lo, i just said what i heard. Small investors like us can only talk, not like that we buy huge enough to be in the management team. Sorry sorry , dont angry
By the way, i didnt mention any company. I was talking in general term what are things that institutional investor avoid. I gave example, so dont think i am talking about any company ok...