Aries Wu

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Joined Nov 2020


The Parties hereby agree that the sale and purchase of the Lands shall be
conditional upon the conditions precedent (“Conditions Precedent” and each
to be referred as the “Condition Precedent”) being fulfilled by the Parties within
a period of THIRTY (30) MONTHS from the date of this Agreement
(“Conditional Period”).

What condition yea?
10 months · translate
I still remember clearly not so long ago, Macbook had to rely on intel chips... bcoz ARM is no way to compete x86. big investment cost? do apple even care? 3T company, even they knew they will failed, pour few billions try try they dont even feel peanut. Plus design RF chips, and not manufacturing, is within apple capability, provided i assume the patent barrier is not that huge, i think.
3 years · translate
Looking to replace chips from Broadcom and Skyworks

3 years · translate
我也很steady, 我错怪JP了。现在回想,本地投资银行真的错到很离谱。输钱,难过。

3 years · translate
财务没有问题,为什么PN17?? 你小学生吗?
4 years · translate
Man Chua 去年有次大跌的时候sbb 13m 股, 股价从~6.8跑去8块。昨天sbb 10m股,股价照样跌。其实如果每天都大量sbb在5块上下,股票的基本面要重新估值的。EPF 操盘不可能像散户操盘那样,suka suka买卖不影响股价。你要EPF4块5块再买,看起来不笨,但是他一酱买,股价就飙去6块7块,只有逆趋势才能大量买进。重点是公司也要大量注销股票,那么市值不变,股价跟现在对比还是升。
有人说借票赚利息,请问你们是怎么算的? 可以agak agak 乱算,但是不要agak agak 乱讲。
4 years · translate
刘绍英 矛盾,还输得起,就不会care人家拿你票卖空了。还没卖不代表不会输,像我妈,亏了95%但是还没卖,死不认输。你不是要再加吗?应该很高兴人家把股票弄低好让你便宜加码。
4 years · translate
投行做的是无风险买卖,主要两种手法,卖call时以等量的母股买入做对冲 (后面的数学自己算)。或是卖之前算delta 值,然后根据股价波动,增加或减少股票来对冲。因为投资者是购买方,时间值对自己不利,但是可以赚或亏;而卖方由于时间值对自己有利,投行就两种下场,不赚或赚,不会亏钱。
4 years · translate
Teck ann Chia 感觉上来KLSE screener 评论的散户,普遍都不知道投行怎么从warrant赚钱。“只有把顶级股价压下去,他们才会赚钱” 你看马股,大型的投行都很乐意出warrant, 是不是说投行要全部他们出call的都看跌?不然怎么赚?
4 years · translate
重点:The research house explained that it changed its valuation methodology from a straight price-to-earnings (PE) multiple to a modified discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation.
4 years · translate
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